View Full Version : Public Relations Coordinator

Bob Gillanders
11-11-2010, 01:03 AM
I am thrilled to announce that Bob Armstrong has volunteered for the position of CFC Public Relations Coordinator. :D

Bob has already been filling this role on an "acting" basis, writing press releases, posting reports on CFC forum on the Olympic and WYCC teams. Raising the profile of chess in the media. His efforts have already born fruit with a local media interview with Yuanling.

Anyone with media contacts should send them to Bob A.

Great work Bob, and many thanks. :)

Daxin Jin
11-12-2010, 01:09 AM
Congratulation Bob! You work great for every chess players in Canada. We are happy to have you in Canadian Chess Federation.

Kerry Liles
11-12-2010, 10:15 AM
Congratulation Bob! You work great for every chess players in Canada. We are happy to have you in Canadian Chess Federation.

Not sure which Bob you mean (Bob Armstrong or Bob Gillanders...)
Maybe you meant "Bobs" (both are doing a lot of good work!)

Daxin Jin
11-13-2010, 10:34 PM
Hello Kerry,

Thank you for your question, I mean Bob Armsrong will in charge this public relations coordinator position. Bob Armstrong and Bob Gillanders both are doing a lot of good work for Canadian Chess Federation. More than that everyone who involve in this community, our governors, parents, players all try to help! I am glad to see the big family is growing every day.

leo song
11-15-2010, 12:05 AM
congrats, surely this is a blessing for chess community. keep it up, Bob A.